Undergraduate students in the Industrial Engineering and Management Systems department have been working together to design a workstation and full facility layout for NASA. The University of Central Florida students: Sylvia DiPaulo, Karissa Hall, Leo Shane and Brian Strevens traveled to the Kennedy Space Center to record dimensions of the firing room and to observe how the facility was currently utilizing space.
The workstation that the students designed considered both ergonomics and human centric design while also mitigating risk. The facility layout is of the exact specifications of NASA’s firing room and is designed to fit the maximum amount of users while promoting collaboration.
For this project, the students used the software “Autodesk Inventor”. Inventor is a 3D modeling software that allows the user to create various components to the exact specifications desired. The program allowed the students to assemble the components together in order to create a full working model.
The students worked under Dr. Pamela McCauley and Dr. William Thompson who served as the principal investigators of the project.