Fall 2020 Graduate Admission News
Coronavirus pandemic has affected everyone across the world. While we are excited about your joining our graduate program, we fully understand that you may be not be able to arrive before Fall 2020. This pandemic especially impacts our international students who need to apply and be granted a visa before arriving to the US. For this reason, we are making the following plans to accommodate all our graduate students:
Deferring Admissions and Admitting Conditionally: Instead of Fall 2020, some new graduate students may only be able to arrive just prior to the start of the Spring 2021 term. Optionally, the College of Graduate Studies (CGS) supports one-semester admissions deferrals if granted permission by the program. This request may be initiated by the student using the following link: https://applynow.graduate.ucf.edu/register/DeferralRequest. In general, CGS is offering flexibility in the admissions process. For those missing application elements (e.g., reference letters, TEOFL scores), they can be conditionally admitted for the Fall term and fully admitted once their materials are received. Deferrals beyond one semester are possible (e.g. from Fall 2020 to Fall 2021), but they will be evaluated by CGS on a case-by-case bases. Deferrals of fellowships beyond one semester are not allowed.
Graduate Students Starting Remotely: Some students may express the desire to use the Fall 2020 semester to make initial progress in either coursework and/or research while working remotely. Many graduate courses to be offered during Fall 2020 will also be available online. You can enroll in a classes and do not need to be enrolled full-time.
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems offers a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE), Master of Science (MS), and Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM); and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Industrial Engineering. The Department also offers certificate programs in a variety of areas. Certificate programs offer graduate course work in a flexible format for working professionals to enhance knowledge and professional credentials in a particular specialty area.
The Master of Science (MS) programs in Industrial Engineering are designed to produce highly skilled graduates who are prepared to be industrial engineers, engineering managers or technical professionals, or leaders for the global economy, as well as preparing them for further graduate work or independent research.
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems offers a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE) degree focusing on the design and improvement of systems, products, and processes.
The Master of Science Healthcare Systems Engineering Track (MSHSE) produces graduates with strong fundamental skills in systems engineering along with a strong background in healthcare delivery systems and processes.
The Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) degree in Industrial Engineering focuses on effective decision-making in engineering and technological organizations.
The Professional Engineering Management (PEM) track is designated a Professional Science Master's (PSM) degree.
The Industrial Engineering PhD program prepares students for extensive research and careers in academia, industry and government while providing a broad knowledge of industrial engineering.
Please see the Graduate Brochure for more information on our graduate programs.
Graduate Coordinator

Dr. Mansooreh Mollaghasemi
Graduate Program Coordinator
Room: Engr. II 312
Phone: (407) 823-4366
E-mail: IEGrad@ucf.edu