HSC 6636 – Issues in the Health Professions
This course provides an overview of the components of the healthcare delivery system in the United States, and introduces the types, designs, integration, implementation, and management of healthcare information systems. Discussions of healthcare and its technology are considered within a framework of Systems Theory, providing a means to consider the complex model of customers and suppliers that encompasses patients, caregivers, providers, hospitals, clinics, laboratories, insurance plans, research organizations, and government.
The primary purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive survey of health care and health information systems and to investigate process flows, stakeholder involvement, and complex integration among stakeholders and technology.
Because this is a survey course, we cover many topics and there is not sufficient time to cover them all in depth. Students have the opportunity to explore an area of interest in more detail through the assigned course project.
EIN 6551 – Systems Architecting
UCF Catalog: Integration and application of systems science, operations research, systems methodologies, and systems management for the design, production, and maintenance of efficient, reliable systems.
Syllabus: Systems architecting is an evolving discipline that applies an inter-disciplinary problem-solving approach across the entire technical effort whether military, industrial, commercial or civil systems and system of systems. The discipline is mandated on all military and civil programs. Over the past few decades, especially due to the evolution digital computers and software, the complexity and interconnectedness of systems for a great variety of applications has overwhelmed previous technical & management processes.
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the theory and practice of systems engineering with an emphasis on systems architecture. The student will become familiar with advanced systems engineering concepts along with basic application of systems architecture techniques to analyze complex systems and systems of systems. The Goals for this course are: Review key practices of systems engineering based on the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK), Develop a foundational understanding of systems architecture and its relationship to systems engineering, Apply systems architecture strategies for analyzing and developing complex systems, and Review case studies and apply systems engineering and architecture techniques.
EIN 6357 – Advanced Engineering Economics
This course explores …
Healthcare specializations in this course include not-for-profit management and financing, and insurance and the third-party payer systems.
ESI 5359 – Risk Assessment & Management
This course explores healthcare system risks at three essential levels: What are the risks to personal and public health? What additional health risks are imposed by the provision of care? What risks impact the healthcare system’s ability to provide intervention? Healthcare specializations in this course include risk to health at individual and population levels; risks in healthcare, both individual and institutional; risks in the healthcare system, many emergent; the metaphor of the sharp- to blunt-end impacts on healthcare; sentinel, adverse, and near-miss event management; and patient and privacy advocacy
UCF Catalog: Problems and complexities involved in risk assessment and management. Selected methodologies are illustrated through realistic applications in engineering and the sciences.
Syllabus: The primary objective of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the problems, complexities, and methodologies involved in risk assessment and management. Selected methodologies will be illustrated through realistic applications in engineering and the sciences. Students are required to apply the techniques to a realistic problem as a term project. Part I: Conceptualization — the nature of risk, the elements of risk management, the barriers, and the process of risk management. Part II: Foundations for risk assessment — approaches to the representation of uncertainty and the measurement of risk. Part III: Methodologies and techniques for risk assessment and management — decision making under uncertainty and risk, multiple criteria considerations, and system-wide risk assessment.
EIN 5117 – Management Information Systems
This course explores the definition and use of information systems technologies in the management of healthcare practices and systems at the patient, provider, and system levels. Recent years have seen the automation of information throughout the healthcare sector, and that information drives most changes and improvements taking place within the sector today. Healthcare specializations in this course include electronic health records, HL7 messaging standards and capabilities, health information exchanges, systems and data interoperability, as well as personal health data devices and records.
ESI 5219 – Engineering Statistics
This course explores …
Healthcare specializations in this course include the preponderance of qualitative and ordinal data, epidemiology for individual and public health, and Quality of Life Years measurement.
UCF Catalog: Discrete and continuous probability distributions, hypothesis testing, regression, nonparametric stats and ANOVA.
Syllabus: This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to use data and statistics to make sound, informed decisions. Specifically this course addresses the following skills: Understanding the concept of variation—special and common cause of variation, Making inferences about collected and summarized data, Understanding the overall statistical analysis process, Understanding the process to select the appropriate analysis approach, and Understanding the role of business analytics in corporate performance.
ESI 5531 – Discreet Systems Simulation
This course explores …
Healthcare specializations in this course include bed management through optimization of storage, patient management through optimization of flow; and disease management through outbreak modeling. UCF Catalog: Methods for performing discrete systems simulation, including network modeling, will be treated. Syllabus: This course focuses on and attempts to balance the two primary aspects of discrete systems simulation. The first aspect is hands-on simulation modeling with a general-purpose language (or a simulation language). The second aspect of this course will cover: (1) the underlying probabilistic and statistical aspects of computer simulation, (2) modeling and estimating input processes, (3) statistical analysis of simulation output, (4) designing simulation experiments, (5) variance reduction techniques, (6) random number generation, and (7) random variate generation. The primary goals of this course are to provide students with an in-depth understanding of: the use of simulation modeling in problem-solving and the improvement of processes, simulation input data modeling and output analysis, validation and verification of simulation models, and simulation output variance reduction techniques.
ESI 6609 – IE Analytics in Healthcare
This course explores … Healthcare specializations in this course include epidemiology, evidence-based care, personalized genomics, and translational medicine. UCF Catalog: Course includes an overview of major data analytics algorithms and methods introduced through examples from Healthcare. Syllabus: The goal of this course is to make student familiar with fundamental data analysis methods along with some of key applications in the area of healthcare. In addition this course will help students master data analytics methodology not only in theoretical level but also at implementation/practical level.
ESI 6224 – Quality Management
This course explores …
Healthcare specializations in this course include differentiating the quality of a patient’s health from the quality of patient’s healthcare.
UCF Catalog: Philosophy and concepts of quality management, organization for quality, quality cost, quality audits and corrective actions, tools and techniques for improvement.
Syllabus: The purpose of this course is to provide a broad exposure to topics in quality management principles and the management of quality systems, in addition to the basic technical issues, tools, and techniques. Specifically, the course is intended to focus on the development of tools for the management of quality in different organizations. Essential concepts, practices, and methods of modern quality management are presented to achieve solid knowledge that is applied to various types of organizations for improved quality and higher productivity. Case studies and quality improvement stories will be provided as an effective format for enhancing classroom learning and working on organizational improvement systems and models. It is expected that course coverage should allow the participants to design, develop, and implement an effective quality management system for any manufacturing or service organization.
EIN 5140 – Project Engineering (Capstone)
UCF Catalog: Graduate standing or C.I. Role of engineer in healthcare project management with emphasis on project life cycle, quantitative and qualitative methods of cost, schedule, and performance
Syllabus: Project-based course where students work on theoretical and applied research issues related to the healthcare industry and industrial and systems engineering.
The goal of this course is to help the student successfully manage projects in the academic, corporate and government environments, and become a leader within a high-tech, project-based organization. We will accomplish this by introducing the fundamental concepts of project administration, management, LISTENING and leadership to graduate engineering students. This includes (1) organizational processes and structure, (2) tools and techniques, (3) human resource considerations, and (4) real life examples, with potential guest lecturers.
Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on how the engineer as a project leader/member can balance fundamental concepts with cost, schedule and performance metrics to ensure successful project management and accomplishment. This is a “hands-on” class, with significant class participation. Thus, a secondary course objective is to develop engineering students’ individual and team critical analysis, interaction and presentation skills. While it may seem that you are getting mixed signals at times, this is by design rather than by omission. Projects change often, and you must adapt to the changes.