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Masters' Programs

Graduate Inquiry Form

Industrial Engineering

The Master of Science programs in Industrial Engineering are designed to produce highly skilled graduates who are prepared to be industrial engineers, engineering managers or technical professionals, or leaders for the global economy, as well as preparing them for further graduate work or independent research. The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems offers a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE) degree focusing on the design and improvement of systems, products, and processes.

Healthcare Systems Engineering Track


This web-based online masters program in Healthcare Systems Engineering is designed to attract students with a variety of educational backgrounds and keen interest in working in the healthcare field. It provides existing healthcare practitioners, and individuals with an engineering background who are interested in joining the rapidly expanding field of healthcare systems, with models and tools such as quantitative analysis, systems modeling, and computer simulation for effective decision-making in healthcare organizations and systems.

Translating a specific design into an organizational or physical reality in the most effective manner, and with highest possible quality, is the focus of the Industrial Engineering and Management Systems field. This program is tailored to meet the needs of a broad range of working professionals interested in leading healthcare systems engineering and management initiatives. It is the first program of its kind, with no other university currently offering a similar program fully online.

Engineering Management

The Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) degree in Industrial Engineering focuses on effective decision-making in engineering and technological organizations. The Professional Engineering Management (PEM) track is designated a Professional Science Master's (PSM) degree. This program can be taken entirely through the Florida Engineering Educational Delivery System (FEEDS), which provides video-streamed versions of classes over the Internet. The Engineering Management MSEM degree requires an undergraduate degree in Engineering or a closely related discipline. Students with undergraduate degrees outside of industrial engineering may be required to take additional prerequisites. An approved program of study must be developed in consultation with the graduate program director. The total number of hours is 30 credit hours.

Ph.D. Program

Industrial Engineering

The Industrial Engineering PhD program prepares students for extensive research and careers in academia, industry and government while providing a broad knowledge of industrial engineering. The Industrial Engineering PhD program requires a minimum of 72 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. Beyond the master's degree, students must complete at least 27 credit hours of required course work, in addition to 15 credit hours of dissertation. Of the total course work taken, 27 hours must be formal course work exclusive of independent study and 15 credit hours must consist of dissertation research (EIN 7980). All remaining hours are determined with a faculty adviser and approved by the department. Details about this program are located in the Industrial Engineering PhD Handbook.

Certificate Programs

Applied Operations Research
Project Engineering
Quality Assurance
Training Simulation
Systems Engineering

See the Graduate brochure for more details about the Industrial Engineering graduate program.

Graduate Coordinator
Dr. Mansooreh Mollaghasemi

Graduate Program Coordinator
Room: Engr. II 312
Phone: (407) 823-4366