Vladimir Boginski, UCF Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Associate Professor, was recently selected by the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) to participate in the 2018 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering (JAFOE) symposium organized in cooperation with the Engineering Academy of Japan in Tsukuba, Japan on June 18-20, 2018. Sixty of the most promising early career engineers from Japan and the United States met for an intensive 2-1/2 day symposium on developments at the cutting edge of engineering technology in four areas: The Water Treatment Revolution, Bionics and Prosthetics, Smart Structures and Materials, and Advanced AI. The event was intended to facilitate international and cross-disciplinary research collaboration, promote the transfer of new techniques and approaches across disparate engineering fields, and encourage the creation of a transpacific network of world-class engineers. Dr. Boginski showcased his research on Network Science and Engineering, which has potential impacts on diverse areas of engineering technology.
The American Society for Quality has awarded the 2024 Distinguished Service Medal to Professor Ahmad Elshennawy. This is the highest honor for service that a…
Jan 06