Post-Doc: Supervise it!

We hiring!  The University of Central Florida and the Georgia Institute of Technology are seeking a highly motivated and forward-thinking Postdoctoral Follow to assist in conducting multidisciplinary research for a National Science Foundation project on human-robot interaction in manufacturing.

See “Supervise It! Optimizing Intelligent Robot Integration Through Feedback to Workers and Supervisors

The postdoc will work closely with faculty members with expertise in the following areas:

  • Controls, robotics, and computer vision
  • Management systems engineering, organizational change, performance measurement
  • Operations research, machine learning, modeling human decision-making
  • Human-computer integration, ergonomics & neuroergonomics, neuro-fuzzy modeling

The primary duties will involve overseeing human-subject experiments by graduate students including verifying and validating the experimental design and execution. Considering this, we are seeking candidates with prior experience running human-subject experiments. Additionally, the ideal candidate will have a graduate degree in industrial or organizational psychology, human factors, cognitive science, or similar disciplines.

For additional details see our the position announcement